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MBL Webinar – Avoiding the Pitfalls for Lawyers & Tax Advisers


The session will cover the new 100% full expensing and 130% super deduction and include examples and guidance as set out in the HMRC Capital Allowances Manual.

Furthermore, there will be a recap on the significant changes to the capital allowances regime since April 2014 in relation to buying and selling commercial properties. Without clear and […]

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MBL Webinar – Hotels, Restaurants and Offices


Never have capital allowances been so front and centre of the Government’s drive to encourage investment.

This webinar will outline the implications for capital allowances following the Finance Act 2024. This will include a focus on the 100% full expensing, 130% super deduction and the 50% first year allowance as well as the designated Freeports with […]

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