Capital Allowances within Restaurants

By : October 7, 2015 Comments Off on Capital Allowances within Restaurants

Restaurant owners are often overlooking substantial tax allowances.  This happens because their accountants and tax advisors may only pick up simple & obvious plant and machinery (P&M) items, i.e. chairs, tables, crockery etc. When fitting out or refurbishing a restaurant, the construction expenditure is generally not very well detailed for capital allowances, therefore not easily […]

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Capital Allowances within Nursing Homes

By : September 30, 2015 Comments Off on Capital Allowances within Nursing Homes


Nursing homes have substantial imbedded plant and machinery (P&M) items and repairs. However the less obvious items often get overlooked by accountants and tax advisors.

Why does this happen?

There are many obvious items of plant such as loose furniture and fittings which accountants can easily identify and segregate to allowances. However there are additional imbedded trade […]

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