Employees Claiming Capital Allowances: Caravan Case Demonstrates Hurdles!

By : March 8, 2017 Comments Off on Employees Claiming Capital Allowances: Caravan Case Demonstrates Hurdles!

While the majority of Capital Allowances claims are made for businesses and trades, it is also possible for employees to claim Capital Allowances on plant and machinery. A recent UK First Tier Tribunal (FTT) case highlights the complexities of such claims and the hurdles that have to be cleared in order for claims to be […]

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Capital Allowances Case Summary – Rogate Services

By : January 12, 2015 Comments Off on Capital Allowances Case Summary – Rogate Services

Capital Allowances Case Summary: Rogate Services Limited v HMRC [2014]

Release Date: 25 March 2014


Whether expenditure on constructing a Car Valeting Bay is plant.

It was held by the First-Tier Tax Tribunal that the valeting bay was not plant. The building does not perform a function, it was a place of work which does not amount […]

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