Private Rented Sector (PRS) & Capital Allowances: Key Planning Points

By : July 20, 2015 Comments Off on Private Rented Sector (PRS) & Capital Allowances: Key Planning Points

Private Rented Sector (PRS) & Capital Allowances

Capital allowances and contaminated land can have a significant impact on the financial viability of PRS projects. Lovell Consulting are actively involved in several PRS projects. This note sets out the key capital allowances planning points.

Site Acquisitions potential tax allowances

Where a site is purchased with existing buildings may contain […]

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Drafting For Purchase Contracts And CPSE Capital Allowances Responses

By : July 15, 2015 Comments Off on Drafting For Purchase Contracts And CPSE Capital Allowances Responses

Since April 2014 the legislation has been substantially tightened for capital allowances when buying commercial property.

The allowances can be significant and often represent around 10%-25% of the purchase price of the property.  There are standard Commercial Property Standard Enquiries (CPSEs) for use by the property lawyers, intended to establish the extent of any allowances available […]

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The New Environment For Capital Allowances

By : June 17, 2015 Comments Off on The New Environment For Capital Allowances

The new environment for capital allowances.

Why specialist help is essential.


In the present environment tax planning has become very political.  One area that successive UK governments have encouraged is the claiming of capital allowances.

Businesses are overlooking millions of pounds worth of tax allowances and your clients are likely to be among them.  The reason the majority […]

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Business Premises Renovation Allowance (BPRA) Case Summary: Senex Investments

By : April 2, 2015 Comments Off on Business Premises Renovation Allowance (BPRA) Case Summary: Senex Investments

Business Premises Renovation Allowance (BPRA) Case Summary: Senex Investments Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2015]

Release Date: 04 March 2015


Whether a former church is a qualifying building for the purposes of BPRA.

The FTT found that church was a qualifying building for BPRA as it had last been used as a “trade, profession or vocation” under […]

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Recent Capital Allowances Case Study

By : March 11, 2015 Comments Off on Recent Capital Allowances Case Study

Client purchases offices for £10m and spends £16m on refurbishment

Claim made for Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA) of £0.5m – qualifies for 100% first year allowances. This flows through to a £0.1m tax saving

HMRC query the eligibility of the light fittings claimed as ECAs


 Lovell Consulting involvement: 

Additional £3m allowances identified on plant installed within the property as […]

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Capital Allowances Case Summary – Rogate Services

By : January 12, 2015 Comments Off on Capital Allowances Case Summary – Rogate Services

Capital Allowances Case Summary: Rogate Services Limited v HMRC [2014]

Release Date: 25 March 2014


Whether expenditure on constructing a Car Valeting Bay is plant.

It was held by the First-Tier Tax Tribunal that the valeting bay was not plant. The building does not perform a function, it was a place of work which does not amount […]

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Capital Allowances Case Summary – LLPs and AIA

By : September 26, 2014 Comments Off on Capital Allowances Case Summary – LLPs and AIA

Tax Case Summary: Drilling Global Consultant LLP v HMRC [2014]

Release Date: 11 September 2014


Whether an LLP, whose members are an individual and a limited company is a qualifying person entitled to claim the annual investment allowance (AIA)  within the meaning of s38A(3)of CAA2001.

It was held by the First-Tier Tax Tribunal that a mixed LLP, […]

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